A Festival organized by LEAF Community Arts.
This North Carolina Festival will have crafts exhibitors and tba food booths. There will be 6 stages with International, National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Thu 5pm-11pm, Fri 4pm-12 midnight, Sat 8am-12 midnight, Sun 8am-5:30pm. Admission tickets are $50 - $250. This event will also include: southern fried poetry slam, newsong singer songwriter contest, healing arts workshops.
A Craft Show organized by Old Depot Association.
This North Carolina Craft Show will have crafts, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and no food booths. There will be 1 stage with Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Sat 10am-5pm.
A Festival organized by LEAF Community Arts.
This North Carolina Festival will have crafts, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and closed food booths. There will be 6 stages with National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Thu 5pm-11pm, Fri 4pm-12 midnight, Sat 8am-12 midnight, Sun 8am-5:30pm. Admission tickets are $40 - $400. This event will also include: poetry slam, children's workshops, drumming, fire spinning, healing arts workshops.
A Craft Show organized by Old Depot Association.
This North Carolina Craft Show will have fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and no food booths. This event will also include face painting.