A Festival organized by Paine Art Center and Gardens.
This Wisconsin Festival will have antique/collectibles, crafts, fine art, fine craft and flea market exhibitors, and 10 food booths. There will be Roving Performers with Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Sat 9am-4pm. This event will also include: free admission to the paine mansion and gardens, free kids craft area.
A Craft Show organized by Paine Art Center and Gardens.
This Wisconsin Craft Show will have antique/collectibles, crafts, fine art, fine craft and flea market exhibitors, and 10 food booths. There will be Roving Performers with Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Sun 9am-4pm. This event will also include free admission to the paine gardens.
A Trade Show organized by Waterfowl Hunters EXPO.
This Wisconsin Trade Show will have antique/collectibles, commercial/retail and corp./information exhibitors, and 5 food booths. Admission tickets are $10. This event will also include: shooters zone, fastest dog retriever, dog training, women's zone, youth zone, state duck.