A Festival organized by Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce.
This Minnesota Festival will have antique/collectibles, corp./information, crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors, and 3 food booths. This event will also include: 5k run, children's activities.
A Craft Show organized by Gigi-Ology Events.
This Minnesota Craft Show will have antique/collectibles, commercial/retail, corp./information, crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors, and 6 food booths.
A State Fair organized by Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society.
This Minnesota State Fair will have no exhibit booths and 10 food booths. There will be 2 stages with Local talent and the hours will be Wed 8am-10pm, Thu 8am-11pm, Fri 8am-11pm, Sat 8am-11pm, Sun 8am-3pm. Admission tickets are $1 - $5. This event will also include: demo derby, stock car races, tractor pull, talent contest.