A Family & Kids Festival organized by Bay Area Festivals.
This California Family & Kids Festival will have commercial/retail and corp./information exhibitors, and no food booths. This event will also include: coding, robotics, sports activities, demos.
A Farmers Market organized by Agricultural Institute of Marin.
This California Farmers Market will have crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors, and tba food booths. There will be Roving Performers with talent and the hours will be . This event will also include: aim's certified farmers markets accept calfresh/ ebt, market match, and wic.
A Farmers Market organized by Agricultural Institute of Marin.
This California Farmers Market will have crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors, and tba food booths. There will be Roving Performers with talent and the hours will be . This event will also include: aim's certified farmers markets accept calfresh/ ebt, market match, and wic.
A Farmers Market organized by Agricultural Institute of Marin.
This California Farmers Market will have crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors, and tba food booths. There will be Roving Performers with talent and the hours will be All Days 8am-1pm. This event will also include: aim's certified farmers markets accept calfresh/ ebt, market match, and wic.
A State Fair organized by Marin County Fair.
This California State Fair will have commercial/retail, corp./information and crafts exhibitors, and 32 food booths. There will be 2 stages with National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be All Days 11am-11pm. Admission tickets are $15 - $20. This event will also include: carnival rides, fireworks, illusionist show.