A Boat Auto Camping Show organized by JLS Marine, Inc..
This Illinois Boat Auto Camping Show will have commercial/retail exhibitors and no food booths. Admission tickets are $8.
An Art Show organized by Springfield Old Capitol Art Fair.
This Illinois Art Show will have fine art exhibitors and 8 food booths. There will be 1 stage with National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm. This event will also include children's tent; community mural project.
A State Fair organized by Illinois State Fairgrounds.
This Illinois State Fair will have no exhibit booths and tba food booths. There will be 14 stages with National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be . Admission tickets are $3 - $7.
An Art Show organized by Rees Carillon Society.
This Illinois Art Show will have fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and 1 food booth. There will be 1 stage with Local talent and the hours will be Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm. This event will also include: artist demos, silent auction, basket raffle, local music only, vip tent & artists dinner.
A Boat Auto Camping Show organized by Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau.
This Illinois Boat Auto Camping Show will have crafts, fine craft and flea market exhibitors, and 45 food booths. There will be 1 stage with Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Fri 6pm-10pm, Sat 9am-10pm, Sun 9am-2pm. This event will also include: car show awards, route 66 treasures, free car clinics, cruise.